
Sanus Galt provides patients both a means to optimize their understanding of available treatments and drugs for optimal health and a means to monetize their health information.

BioFintech: a pragmatic mix of precision medicine and financial innovation.

We have discovered that the finance piece is an essential element in gaining traction of precision medicine. In fact, this connects precision medicine to the outcomes-based medicine.

BioFintech enables us to unlock the monetization of medical data. We solve the problem of splitting “atomic” data. Atom, from Greek atomos means indivisible and medical data is similarly indivisible. All of the medical information ultimately belongs to the patient, although some information is essentially directly purchased by drug developers in clinical trials. We solve the divisibility problem by sharing the revenue derived from the data, rather than the principal itself.

The following schematically illustrates the current reimbursement and outcomes-based medicine alternative, which actually takes performance of the drug into account.

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